
Booking a painting demonstration

Tuesday June 28, 2016 at 5:29pm
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It seems to be very busy lately, with Art Societies booking me to demonstrate for them in 2017. The diary is certainly filling up! I demonstrate mainly in watercolour, but also acrylics or mixed water-soluble media.
Although based in the Cotswolds I travel all around the UK, if you want to give me a ring for a chat about visiting your club do give me a ring on 01451 820014 or email me if you prefer on fiona@fionapeart.com
I would encourage people wanting to improve their painting skills to watch demonstrations at their local club or art society, you can always learn something, a tip here and there all helps. Most clubs welcome visitors, so if you are not a member, but know there is a demo you would love to watch, ask about visiting.
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Telephone: 01451 820014  Email: fiona@fionapeart.com